Monday, November 17, 2008

What's a Christian mind to do?

Here we are. It is November 2008. The Lord continues, in God's wisdom, to tarry.

We live here in this world. Christianity has over these two thousand years presented itself in various guises, i.e. the Persecuted Church, the State Church, the Monastic era, the Crusades, the Reformation, the Government (the Puritans both in England & this country; the Quakers), the Evangelistic era of the 19th century, the Religious Right of the latter half of the 20th century & others. What will it look like for the next 50 years, should Jesus continue to tarry?

Cal Thomas, a columnist and excellent thinker, has these thoughts to share with us regarding our thinking about how we are to live in this world/country as Christians.

Another writer, Gene Edward Veith, Jr., has written an excellent book called Loving God with All Your Mind: Thinking as a Christian in the Postmodern World. From his introduction:

Christians should used and develop their minds. The mental faculties
of the human mind - the power to think, to discover, to wonder, and to imagine - are precious gifts of God. The Christian who pursues knowledge, seeks education, and explores even the most "secular" subjects is fulfilling a Christian vocation that is pleasing to God and of great importance to the Church. The Bible, by precept and example, affirms this and opens up the whole realm of human knowledge to the Christian. This is my main thesis.

Are we using our minds in ways that please God? In ways that fulfill His purposes for our lives? ~~

"You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself." Luke 10:27

I highly recommend this book!!

1 comment:

artstew said...

I, also, recommend this timely book. It will kindle (!) a desire to follow Christ with all your mind.
Question - what are some practical ways to follow Christ with all - or even a part - of your mind??